Information for Authors

Information for Authors

JOI welcomes Original ResearchReview ArticlesResource RoundupsEditorials, and submissions from Emerging Scholars relevant to the aims and scope. Submissions should adhere to the journal's Submission Guidelines, as detailed on the journal's website.


Authors listed in submissions should accurately represent those who contributed to the work. Qualifications for authorship are as follows:

  • Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or data analysis and interpretation 
  • Significant involvement in any of the major stages of manuscript production (including drafting, revising, editing, or reviewing)
  • Final approval of the version to be published and a sense of ownership sufficient to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content
  • Accountability for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. 

Authors are encouraged to include any contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship in an Acknowledgements section, with permission from the contributor. Acknowledgements can include, but are not limited to, recognizing the contributions of technical help, collation of data, writing assistance, acquisition of funding, or general support from a more senior academic or mentor. 

All authors and contributors must agree on inclusion in the manuscript and the order in which their names will be listed prior to submission. 

Corresponding Author Responsibilities 

  • The corresponding author must submit the manuscript and related files. 
  • All communication related to that manuscript will be directed to and received from the corresponding author, from the point of submission through publication. 
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all authors are aware of and approve the submission of the manuscript, its content, authorship, and listed order of authorship. 

Reproduction of Copyrighted Material

  • In cases where manuscripts include works by third parties, whether excerpted or in full, authors must provide attribution to the creators and owners of those works. 
  • Please note that attribution, while necessary, may not be sufficient - authors may also need to obtain copyright permission from third parties to republish their work in JOI, particularly in cases where authors wish to use the entirety of a copyrighted work, such as an image, figure, or illustration. 
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to accurately represent and warrant at the time of manuscript submission, that all necessary copyright permissions have been obtained from the owners of any third-party works. 
  • Authors who are unfamiliar with the permissions-seeking process, including how to identify and contact copyright owners, should consult the Asking for Permission guide from Columbia University Libraries.  

Originality and Preprint Policy

Manuscripts submitted to JOI should not have been submitted, under review, or published in another publication at the time of submission, including works published in a language other than English and then translated. 

Submitted manuscripts that have been previously made available online, such as preprints, conference papers, technical reports, or white papers, will be considered for review. Authors should notify the editors of the previous availability in a cover letter upon submission. Upon publication, authors are encouraged to update pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article. 

Publication and Licensing Agreement

Submitting a manuscript for publication to JOI indicates that authors have read and agreed to the terms listed within the Publication Agreement.

All published work within JOI will be published using a CC-BY 4.0 International license. Authors who are interested in publishing using a more restrictive license format must discuss their needs and reasons in the cover letter upon submission.